Meet John Boerger. John is one of our newest BEYOND Studios instructors and we’re thrilled that he’s joined our roster of incredibly talented trainers. You may have already sweat it out next to John or booked one of his fierce Friday morning classes at BEYOND500 Henderson.
Recently, we sat down with John to pick his brain on his music faves, foray into group fitness, and what he enjoys most about going BEYOND.
BEYONDblog: How did you come to be a part of the BEYOND Studios family?
JOHN: I first tried BEYOND in one of Chris Hudson’s mock classes back in the day. I first started taking sessions sporadically through different instructors. Then, after I fell in love with the workout and became friends with the other instructors, I just never really went away. I began training, started going to BEYOND parties, and instructor team building events. There’s a joke that I’m the Kimmy Gibbler of the BEYOND family. #thegibbler
BEYONDblog: What jams can clients expect when taking your BEYOND500 class?
JOHN: I’m really all over the place when it comes to music. I have a very strong fondness for late 90s and early 2000s pop. I’ve been known to play everything from System Of A Down to Ashlee Simpson to the Pointer Sisters.
BEYONDblog: What’s your favorite BEYOND500 exercise?
JOHN: I am definitely loving the kettle bell exercises. They were new to me, and I have learned a great arsenal of exercises that I really feel my body reacting to. I even take these exercises back to the regular gym when I do my ‘traditional’ workouts not at the studio.
BEYONDblog: When not leading a BEYOND500 what are you doing?
JOHN: Doing hair! I am a full-time hair stylist and colorist at a salon in Lakewood called Blow Salon. I actually really got into BEYOND when I started doing many of the instructors’ hair.
BEYONDblog: What days can clients book your classes?
JOHN: Right now, I’m up bright and early just for the Friday 6 a.m. class. I sub here and there though. As the schedule grows and my salon schedule allows, I hope to get on the roster more; maybe with an afternoon and evening attached to my Friday morning class.
BEYONDblog: How did you begin your fitness journey?
JOHN: I was in my mid-20s and “skinny-fat.” I hung out with big, beefy guys who drank protein shakes and worked out in cut up t-shirts. After working out with a very knowledgeable and patient training partner for several years lifting weights, I gained a lot of knowledge and 50-plus pounds of (mostly) muscle. I’m definitely not a jacked-up meathead, but I used to look like I rescued children from wells.
BEYONDblog: What motivates you to live an active and healthy lifestyle?
JOHN: Honestly? Vanity. Almost all of my body wants the bad things in life: fried food, margaritas, pizza, and ice-cold beers. I mostly eat healthy throughout the week and workout regularly. I don’t want to feel guilty about ordering a Mambo Taxi or getting Whataburger at 3 a.m., so I workout. I tell myself “you earned this!”
BEYONDblog: What’s your go-to post workout snack?
JOHN: I like to make a lot of my post workout snacks. My best friend and I write a food blog called that has a lot of great recipes. Some are really healthy snacks and meals like our muscle muffins or power cookies.
BEYONDblog: What’s your favorite go-to training gear and apparel?
JOHN: Lululemon! But just the shorts for some reason. I still work out in old, comfortable cut-off t-shirts from college or that I received free at a pub-crawl. I’m like, “this ragged t-shirt cost less than the tax on those fabulous Pace Breakers shorts.”
BEYONDblog: What’s your idea of going BEYOND?
JOHN: For me, “going BEYOND” is about getting past that mental block. I used to hate group fitness. It seemed like something elderly people in a not-so-sanitary YMCA pool did. After trying BEYOND just a few times, I felt the genuine motivation of the instructors, and collective energy of the other people in the class praying to whatever God there is to get them through 20 more seconds of plank to pikes. Those two things are what BEYOND and superb group fitness is all about. Working out in a pack. Giving each other mental high-fives and “good game” butt slaps. I strive to be able to bring that kind of energy to my classes and still experience it every time I take a BEYOND class.
To get your workout on with our talented new trainer, click here and go BEYOND with Kimmy Gibbler John B.